Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ordination into the Order of Melchizedek

Many of us on the spiritual path would like a way to formally acknowledge the understanding of ourselves as Priest / Priestess in the grandest and most sincere sense of that calling. The way I have expressed that and many others around the world, too, is through being ordained into the Order of Melchizedek.

As Reverend Dan Chesbro, the officiate of the ordination, explains it, “The Order of Melchizedek is a priesthood of individuals committed to teach and/or heal the Human Condition as it emerges into the Age of Aquarius.”

Melchizedek is a historical figure in the old testament of the Bible and is said to be the original Priest. All Priest / Priestess traditions are descendants of his teachings and writings. Chesbro describes who Melchizedek is.  “He wrote The Book of Job and many other teachings on the principle of ‘The Law of One.’  The ‘School of the Prophets,’ the Essene Order and the Great White Brotherhood are a result of Melchizedek’s works.”
The Order of Melchizedek does not discriminate, thus everyone is welcomed.  The Order is not a religion, but a service order.  Chesbro explains, “Each Priest is legally ordained under ‘Sanctuary of the Beloved,’ an incorporated, non-denominational church in New York State and in the United States.  There are currently over 16,000 priests internationally.”

Further, Chesbro clarifies his calling.

In February of 1986, I received guidance, saying simply, “It is time to call the Priests.”  With that statement and through subsequent dreams, came the knowledge that I was never to ask anyone to become a Priest, nor was I to turn anyone away.  There is no place for judgment.  Each person who is moved to make this step has been prepared through lifetimes and was born already having made the decision to become a Priest. 

In taking this step, a person commits him/herself to teach and to heal.  Each Priest is encouraged to go within for guidance for their own work.    Priests are not required to “give up” anything they believe in or to resign from any other organizations.  They are simply given an “energy boost” to enhance the work they are already doing.  There is no doctrine they must follow.  We do not say that our way is the only way.  There are many paths to God, but the basis of all true spiritual work is Love, Unconditional Love, and we all come from that source.

As for me, being Ordained into the Order of Melchizedek was not only one of the highlights of my spiritual path but was even more a feeling of coming home. That feeling that you know about yourself when you are accepted and acknowledged as the true version of yourself. I welcomed the knowingness of myself as the authentic me!

Those of us in the STANDING IN THE LIGHT® community are happy to announce that Dan Chesbro is coming to Fort Collins on August 1, 2015, to train and ordain those who are called to become Priests in the Order of Melchizedek. Join us. For more information, email or call me at 970-472-2029.

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