Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What are you doing on 10/10/10?

Hi All,

What are you doing on 10 / 10 / 10?

Check out this website for the regarding the organization to raise awareness for our CO2 emissions and the goal to reduce it to 350 parts per million. (We currently sit at 388 ppm.) You can type in your zip code at to see if there is an organized event in your area on 10/10/10 for the global work party.

If there is, consider going…and either car pool, take public transport or bike! Grab a friend or two!

If there isn’t, consider doing your own thing…1) caulk around your windows and doors to get ready for winter, 2) plant a tree or herbs in pots, 3) unplug your “vampire” electronics at night, etc.

AND – for all the energy workers and like minded folks out there: 1) Set your intentions to help increase the ability for ALL…common people / government workers / business owners / politicians, etc. to awaken to the Stewardship we have for Mother Earth and for the Guardianship she has for us. 2) Ask for the multiplication 10 fold of the efforts of 10/10/10 so that real and permanent healing will manifest here on Mother Earth.

If you have other ideas…please add those to your comments when you forward this to your friends and family!!

And May We ALL Feel the Love of Mother Earth, Within Us Always!!



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