Friday, May 31, 2013

The Reality of the Illusion becomes more Real

I am not sure how all of you are feeling about the news (local, national and international) as well as the arts and entertainment fields, but if you are feeling anything similar to how I feel, I believe I am stuck in a “Theatre of the Absurd” play. Fewer and fewer programs I watch on TV or articles I read in the paper feel like they are actually happening. More and more they feel like they are being broadcast in order to keep me occupied from seeing what is really going on in the world; which is the realization that all is an illusion.

I seemed to be impressed that news anchors and politicians can actually say what they are saying without laughing or giving a conspiratorial wink, to let us know that we are viewing something ironic. I actually think many of them are still speaking the party lines and believe, to some extent or the other, what they are saying. But, more often than not, I have started to feel like the female character in “V for Vendetta”, Evey, who comments that she can tell when the reporters know the story they are reporting is false based on how often the reporter blinks.

As for the entertainment side of the house, most of the movies I have been drawn to watch recently, also follow the theme of questioning history or offering an alternative view of what we know as history. Whether it is “Abraham Lincoln, The Vampire Hunter” (alternate reason for US Civil war) or “Anonymous” (about the possibility that William Shakespeare did not actually write the plays that have come down to us as having been written by Shakespeare) or a whole collection of books / movies set in a despotic “future” (from when they were written…some of those dates having since past … 1984, Brave New World or V for Vendetta, itself.) have made me re-think aspects of what I view NOW with a more willingness to question what I am seeing or hearing NOW.

I believe that is all we have ever been asked to do, philosophically, to question what we hear and see as to whether this is true for us now, was it ever true for us and to hold the possibility that what we see as true now, through our own inquisitiveness and evolution, might become a belief of the past allowing for a more up-to-date version of The Truth to be felt.

Let us be willing to open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that what we see and hear is a veneer and be willing to dig a little deeper, to go to our ultimate Source…our own Guidance, our own God-self to determine what is true for us and what actions (if any) we should take with this new understanding; the new understanding of The Illusion.

Friday, May 3, 2013

New Class Schedule for the summer and fall for I AM CREATOR™

Go to for more details

I AM CREATOR™: 4th & 5th Dimensional Procedures for Experiencing Oneself as God is a 6-Part series channeled from The Christ as a how-to program for contemporary man to achieve Full God-Consciousness in which The Christ emphasizes “Universal Truth” as separated from dogma. As humanity raises its frequency, new and higher levels of understanding of the Universal Truths and working with the energies are necessary. Learn how to channel by clearly connecting to one’s God-Self for guidance, 4th & 5th dimensional techniques for clearing and manifesting one’s Life Vision, and the steps to becoming a Full Living Master and the true experience of oneself as The God/Goddess All That Is.

A Few Words from Others: “For many years I have been working to find more meaning in my life and to heal past issues. Using the IAC techniques and tools has been a powerful way to access my personal guidance and identify solutions. I really like the fact that this program shows me how to look at my own life, rather than giving me a “one-size fits all” spiritual answer that tells me what I should do or believe. I highly recommend these courses to anyone who wants to create more joy and ease in his/her life.” Vivian, Boulder, CO

All workshops must be taken in consecutive order.
However, all classes do not have to be taken in the same session.

For classes in Fort Collins, CO contact Lori at 970-472-2029
For classes in Louisville, CO contact Martha at 720-304-3700

Part I: Foundation for Ascension. Learn the founding principles that will take one to Ascension no matter what program one chooses to follow. Unity and Oneness are for all. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $60.
Next Series: June 1
Future Series: July 27

Part II: Channeling – Connecting to your Higher Self/Soul. There is NO higher source of guidance than your own Higher Self/Soul/God/Goddess Within. Learn how to connect and, most importantly, how to validate the information. This IS the true road to Mastery. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $60.
Next Series: June 2
Future Series: July 28

Part III: Manifesting – How to Create Your Soul’s Vision. The energies of December 16, 1994 have changed the process by which humankind can bring their Souls’ desires into form. Learn the 5th dimensional process of manifesting and move more quickly into creating your Soul’s vision.
10 a.m.-5 p.m., $70.
Next Series: June 15
Future Series: August 10

Part IV: Clearing Part 1 – Understanding the Clearing Process. Human evolution could be defined as the process of releasing beliefs in limitation and fears of separation. These false beliefs and discordant emotions are the #2 cause for failure to manifest your Soul’s desire. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., $70.
Next Series: June 16
Future Series: August 11

Part V: Clearing Part 2 – Tools and Techniques for Clearing. Learn and practice 4th and 5th dimensional techniques to transform and transmute conscious and subconscious blocks to experiencing yourself as God. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., $70.
Next Series: June 29
Future Series: August 24

Part VI: Receiving Your Soul’s Vision. You cannot manifest without a clear vision. Learn to align with your Higher Self/Soul to receive your Soul’s vision/goal (versus your Ego-Self’s vision) in any area of your life. This is THE #1 cause for failure to manifest. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., $70.
Next Series: June 30
Future Series: August 25

New Summer Class Schedule for EMINENT REIKI™

New Summer Class Schedule for EMINENT REIKI™ in Colorado

For more information go to

Eminent Reiki™ I. July 20. 10:00-6 p.m.; $100. Register by July 13. Contact Lori at 970-472-2029 in Fort Collins and Martha at 720-304-3700 in Louisville.

Eminent Reiki™ II. August 17. 10:00-6 p.m.; $150. Register by August 10. Contact Lori at 970-472-2029 in Fort Collins and Martha at 720-304-3700 in Louisville.

Advanced Reiki Healing Techniques. Techniques and procedures for increasing Reiki Mastery. Prerequisite: Eminent Reiki™ I and II. Sept 7. 1-6:00 p.m., $100. Register by August 31. Contact Lori at 970-472-2029 in Fort Collins and Martha at 720-304-3700 in Louisville.

Eminent Reiki™ III. Oct 5. 10:00-6 p.m.; $200. Register by Sept 28. Contact Lori at 970-472-2029 in Fort Collins and Martha at 720-304-3700 in Louisville.