Thursday, March 3, 2016

Good Vibrations, Everything is Still Awesome!

Last month, Ginger Withee wrote a great blog entry about singing the LEGO® Movie song, Everything is Awesome. Similarly, over the last week, I have found myself singing the Beach Boys’ song, Good Vibrations. Like Ginger, I started to query why I was singing the song. What message did my soul have for me that was being presented through the song Good Vibrations?

The classical metaphysical answer to this question might be that my soul is reminding me to bring in good vibrations and raise my frequency. I know that higher frequencies transmute lower frequencies, thus bringing in good vibrations is always a great recommendation. Also, I know that the spiritual law of Like Attracts Like might be why I am being reminded to bring in good vibrations. If I want to attract situations, people and circumstances to me that are in my highest good, vibrating at a higher frequency will allow for this. These are both important reminders for why bringing in “good vibrations” is such a great idea.

However, when I asked the question to my soul as to why I keep signing Good Vibrations, the response was, “because the song brings you joy.” Face it. That song is just so much fun. The energies I feel when I hear or sing the song are spontaneity, freedom, elation, excitation, and, well, good vibrations. I loved this response because it reminds me that sometimes we are guided to do something simply for the joy of doing it. Not because it is good for us, which it is, but because we enjoy doing it. Therefore, sing it loud and proud, “Got to keep those loving good vibrations happening with her…”

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