Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Is it wise to avoid the cliff, fiscal or otherwise?

Happy New Year to ONE and ALL! I am very excited for 2013 to begin. I have written my list for what I am grateful in 2012 and written my list of intentions for 2013. My husband and our daughters, when they were at home, have performed this ritual ever since Kris Duffy, friend and teacher, suggested it for New Year’s Eve 2004. I enjoy reading the former missives and I am always happy to see that, even as hard on myself as I am, I have made real progress over the last decade…even over the last year.

In 2012, we moved from St. Augustine, FL to Fort Collins, CO. I took I AM CREATOR™ teacher training and taught the classes in Fort Collins and in Claymont, DE, in 2012. As a family we have had reunions with both Pat’s family and with mine. We have truly been blessed and we are grateful.

I am anticipating and setting my intention that many more professional and personal gains will be accomplished in 2013 for me and my family. We set our intentions to do the best that we can, to forgive ourselves when we fall a little short on doing our best and then we will re-set our intentions to do our best, again. This is a formula which will work quite nicely.

However, when blocks form in front of the intentions to do my best, I must remind myself that I can either deal with the block now, when it is as small as it can be, or I can ignore the block for another day, another two months or another year. The problem with ignoring the situation is that it might alleviate the pain in the immediate days, but it will only compound the issues that need to be taken care of when I finally find the gumption to tackle the issue.

Many of us, from the individual, to the family, to the nation, to the global community as a whole, have the attitude of treating problems by “kicking the can down the road”. At best, this is a short-term fix. At its worst, it makes the problem bigger, reduces our confidence in our ability to handle the issue and makes compromising in the future seem even more dramatic…like a bigger loss of our power. It also requires us to justify all of our intermediary steps in ways that would not be necessary if we just picked the can up now!

My intention for myself for 2013 is to deal with my issues as quickly as I realize I have them. My intention for you is to help hold the space for the wisdom and the strength for you to deal with your issues as quickly as possible in 2013, as well.

Let us be willing to face the cliff, realize it is time to deal with the issues now and safely find a way to avoid the brink.

Prosperity and Peace for ONE and ALL. Namaste.

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