Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Scuba Diving with Archangel Michael

As dive buddies go, Archangel Michael is a pretty cool buddy to have!  

I was in my 40’s before I learned to scuba dive. My husband, Pat, was 11 when he first learned to dive. I could use the excuse that I was raised mostly in Kansas and therefore scuba diving wasn’t the first sporting activity on our list of weekend recreation! Whereas Pat was raised in Florida where spring, gulf and ocean diving is common place. Finally, at the ripe old age of 43, I was guided in meditation that it was time to learn to dive, not so much for the joy of diving, which of course, would be the result of learning to scuba dive, but in order to get over the fear of diving.  

I have written in other blog posts some of the things I have learned diving, but I never told the story of Scuba Diving with Archangel Michael! 

Unbeknownst to me, I was very frightened of breathing underwater. The fear was raised in me even prior to the sessions in the pool with full gear. Just reading the book and sitting in the classroom sessions was making me nervous. It doesn’t help that the classroom work, which is very necessary, is all about how not to harm yourself under water either by running out of air, getting too much nitrogen in your body, not breathing consistently enough so that your lungs over expand with the change in air pressure in the lungs or coming up from depth to quickly and over expanding your lungs. These are all just in the beginners’ course instructions. They were frightening enough to not even mention the more advanced “fears” of getting snagged on something and not being able to free yourself or getting so loopy mentally at depth due to nitrogen narcosis that you start to make unwise decisions that you haven’t encountered since your partying days in college.  

The stress of taking the class was starting to affect me physically. But, I had heard it was the highest plan to get over these fears and take the class, so I did.  

Now comes the pool work. We were learning how to use our gear properly in a regular swimming pool. I am short, but even I could stand in the four foot water and know there was no way I could drown. But, drowning was all I could think about. I continued to work energetically to clear and heal the memories of drowning in prior lives and the reason I had drowned in those lives. It was helping and I knew intuitively and intellectually that recognizing these fears and clearing them would be the only way to get over them. But I was still nervous. 

Then comes the weekend of the open water dive, which means you are in a lake, quarry, ocean or sea, where you will demonstrate certain skills like being able to take off your mask under water and then put it back on, clear the water and continue the dive. You do the same taking the regulator out of your mouth and recover from that situation to simulate if someone accidentally kicks the regulator out of your mouth. Again, all of these skills are to prepare you to not be surprised or frightened by anything going amiss.    

I learned to dive in Northern Virginia where the open water dive was in a quarry that had 10 feet visibility. The conditions were not conducive to someone who is already fearful becoming less fearful. Not being able to see underwater only further increases the isolationism of the fear. Unless you scuba dive with Archangel Michael!  

My instructor’s name was Mike. If finally dawned on me to look at him and imagine that he was Archangel Michael. I would be lying to you if I said that I had a miraculous transformation that day because of feeling the legions of guardian angels diving with me, but it did help to abate my fears and slowed my panic breathing down to a much more reasonable rate. I was able to perform all the skills necessary to complete the course and even performed an “extra” one. I had been so nervous that I bit through one of the little pieces on the mouth piece of the regulator while I was at depth. This was right before we were supposed to practice the skill of “running out of air and having to ascend but not ascend too quickly” due to the over expansion of the lungs upon ascension. I had to decide…hmmm floating piece of plastic in my mouth as I ascend while breathing out or take the piece out at depth and purge the mouth piece of the water. Prudence called for taking the piece out at depth. I did that and all was good. 

I know having the comfort of knowing Archangel Michael was with me really helped me learn to scuba dive.

My husband and I have a scuba dive trip coming up soon. I was talking with Archangel Michael to see if He wanted to go! He said He was more than happy to go scuba diving with me, but that I didn’t need Him anymore. I am confident enough with Who I AM, that I would be just fine and totally enjoy the trip whether He was with me or not. So, instead of relying on Archangel Michael for my comfort and protection, I will simply thank Him for all His help in the past and raise a glass of Australian wine to Him and to my instructor, Mike. Thanks, Mike and Michael. Namaste. 


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