Thursday, July 3, 2014

Spoiler Alert!

Recently, I have watched two Sci-Fi movies where the protagonists’ memories are erased presumably for their own protection and so they wouldn’t worry about the ugliness that came as part of a global war or catastrophe. The two movies are the 2005 Michael Bay movie called The Island staring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson and the 2013 movie Oblivion starring Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman. The premise for both of the movies is that as long as you don’t question any of the thoughts that are encroaching on your dreams or your internal musings and just continue to live your life the way you believe you have always lived it, then you will get the reward of moving to a utopia of some sort.

Spoiler Alert – I am going to discuss some more of the plots so if you haven’t watched these yet…you know the drill!

In both the films, the societal structure the leading men find themselves in is very rigid and, although it manifests in different ways, are somewhat plentiful as long as you stay within the rules of the society.  The problem for both the leading men is that they start to remember things that would not be in their current reality. At a certain point neither are willing to take it on faith that the rules they are currently living by are the only possibilities for them. They are starting to remember who they truly are.

Both of these movies, while entertaining, are wonderful “seed plantings” for humanity to start to question the reality it finds itself in. Some people call this an awakening or that the veil between the “known” and “unknown” is becoming thinner. The Matrix series also had this as a theme, allowing us to explore the ideas of what if what we see in the outer world is the illusion and what we feel and understand on the inner world is our true reality.

There will be plenty of people who say that these films are just good story telling and interesting plot lines with the associated twists for the characters in order to sell tickets and DVDs. True. But what if, like good literature, we explore the ideas for ourselves and determine what is our own Truth? You don’t even need to take the exploration as far as I would – providing more fuel for my beliefs that we are all in a grand experiment. All I need to do is awaken from the illusion that I find myself in and follow my internal compass to rise above the experiences of limitations based on beliefs in retaliation and power over others. I want to use my internal wisdom to lift myself and hold the space for others to lift themselves out of the veil of uncertainty, shame, unworthiness and the false belief that we are separate from others and separate from The Divine.

For those for whom these ideas are a bridge too far, perhaps you might look to see where in your life you are acting like a clone of all those around you. Where are you not asking enough questions when you see the glitches in the program or when everything around you simply doesn’t reflect the truth you know to be inside you. This investigation might have you questioning the status quo and “same old same old” to come up with a better way forward, maybe even a more evolved way forward for you. Shake up the standard operating procedure to break out of the illusion of your melancholy or mediocrity. Break out of the illusion that it is ok to live in limitation now, because there is a promise of a utopia in the future. Raise your expectations now to open to the possibilities that the utopia isn’t in the future. Start to believe that you are capable of reaching the utopia of love for yourself and love for our fellow humans now. Don’t wait for a far off distant heaven, start to make steps to bring heaven here on earth now. Be willing to explore your internal world in order to bring more love and light to it and in turn to your outer experiences as well.

The real spoiler alert is that you don’t have to wait until the end of the movie to find the truth of who you are. You have known the plot twist and the character arc for you from the beginning of time. Recognize it. Own it. Remember Who You Are.


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